Breast augmentation surgery remains one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the United States. The procedure is often combined with other surgeries like a breast lift and tummy tuck to provide the desired results. Dr. Alberico Sessa of Sarasota Surgical Arts noticed that many patients were unhappy with their nipple position and sagging, but were not candidates for a traditional breast lift. This led him to pioneer a revolutionary technique–known as the Crescent Lift–that places the incision in the upper areola versus the bottom.

Periareolar incisions are common forĀ breast augmentation surgeriesĀ at Sarasota Surgical Arts. These incisions are made along the bottom of the areola to allow for breast implant placement. For those experiencing nipple sagging or who are unhappy with nipple placement, Dr. Sessa can modify this incision to provide a natural lift and repositioning of the nipples. Placing the small three to three and a half centimeter incision at the top of the areola allows him to perform a nipple lift and insert breast implants.

“The great thing about this technique is that it does not increase the risk of losing nipple sensation and areola scars typically heal very, very well,” Dr. Sessa said. “The procedure also benefits mothers who have seen some volume loss, but do not need a full breast lift.”

About Sarasota Surgical Arts: Sarasota Surgical Arts is a premier and state accredited plastic surgery center located in Sarasota, FL. Dr. Alberico Sessa is an expert breast surgeon and performs the best Sarasota breast augmentation surgeries. Dedicated to continual improvement and service to patients, Dr. Sessa routinely modifies his procedures to better serve patients, such as, with the innovation of the Crescent Lift. For more information about Sarasota Surgical Arts, visit our website and follow Dr. Sessa on Instagram @drcosmeticsurg.